Women’s Health Should Be Dictated By Women

For too long women’s health issues have been dictated by men. In the recent past, most doctors were male and government health departments were invariably run by men. Things like pregnancy, child birth, abortion, and sexual health were adjudged and treated by men, rather than by the gender who actually experienced these things. Women live with these facts of life every day and their lives are heavily influenced by these experiences. Women’s health should be dictated by women, both at the professional level and at the consumer level.

Women’s Health Should Be Dictated By Women

The advent of women’s health clinics, owned and operated by women, has been a major step forward in providing women with the type of healthcare they want. However, finding women’s health businesses and clinics owned by women is not always easy. A good example of one clinic owned by women is Sydney’s Clinic 66 in Chatswood. Here you can access modern female friendly healthcare, with medical services designed specifically for women and provided by female doctors and technicians. Sensitive and highly professional and presented via world’s best standards.

More women doctors and healthcare professionals have meant a much better service for women. Gender specific medical treatments performed by those that understand what it is like to experience these things. At government level we have seen more women health ministers making the decisions about women’s health. There are more women involved in public service, especially in health departments. Women have traditionally been better carers and now we are seeing women gain access to the bastions of power in politics and the public service. There is still a long way to go in terms of real gender equality, however. Wages need to be matched between the genders in many areas, with disparities existing, especially at the top end.

Women have been disadvantaged and, indeed, denigrated, in workplaces, because they decide to have children and need to take maternity leave. This has been used against them by employers to favour male candidates for positions to avoid the possible disruption this leave taking may cause. This is discrimination based on the important and fundamental role many women play in propagating the human species. Imagine being discriminated against for having children, how unfair is that, how short sighted is that? Well, that is the case in this society that lacks oversight and a vision of the bigger picture. Male employers reward men with the better jobs and actively punish female employees because of their propensity to create the children we as a society need to maintain our population and survive into the future.