Being an Independent Escort Is Not a Feminist Statement

As a feminist I have certain ideas about what it means to be a woman and what it means to be a feminist; within those conceptual ideas there is, of course, a hell of a lot of diversity. Women are wonderful beings, creators and nurturers, defenders and legislators, leaders and managers, healers and teachers, we are all aspects of humanity under the sun. We love and we are loved. We fight for what we feel is worth fighting for. We care for others and we care for ourselves. We show respect to others and we want respect for who we are in return.

Being an Independent Escort Is Not a Feminist Statement

Sex workers have every right to use their bodies to make a living, if they are truly independent and free of any coercion in any way from man or woman. If they are completely cognisant of all the other opportunities around them and of the physical and emotional consequences of their decision to be involved in the commercial sex industry. If they are not encumbered by economic necessity to make their living in this way, but do it from free choice. That this decision is based purely on their sense of female erotica.

Unfortunately, or, perhaps, fortunately very few escorts and prostitutes meet these criteria. In most cases, women are coerced or forced into prostitution through economic and psychological means, often at young and vulnerable ages. Life may not have given these women every opportunity to get an education and to live a rich and rewarding existence. In many instances, they may have been exploited by other people, both men and women, for material benefit. Often, they are led to believe by these exploiters that they are doing these women a favour and are looking out for their wellbeing, whilst simultaneously profiting from them. This is a sham and a falsehood.

Even when women break away from pimps and brothels or gentlemen’s clubs and become ‘so called’ independent escorts, they are not afforded every opportunity in life. They are utilising the same skill that they learnt when they were working for these exploiters and often feel that they do not have any other viable skills to make a living from. Being an independent escort is not a feminist statement, it is upholding one of the oldest traditions known to human beings. And, what do we know about traditions? They are invariably a product of a cruder, less sophisticated and less intelligent past.